So it’s the first day of Spring in a mere nine days and I for one, am highly enthused at the prospect. Light jackets, bare ankles, no tights! Hurrah! I mean perhaps the middle of March is slightly premature to bare ones toes however I just couldn’t wait any longer and have missed my Chanello’s dearly since their last outing. They were the definition of an investment purchase for me and I will be whipping them out season after season, I’m still so obsessed with them.
This jacket is new from Baukjen and I love the style and colour. I feel like I’ll be throwing it on over so many outfits over the next few months as it feels like one of those really handy throw-ons that will go with everything from jeans to floral mini dresses.

I would just like to add that the heavens opened approx half an hour after these pics were taken and safe to say I was regretting the inappropriate shoe choice but hey, it was great while it lasted! Rachael x
Shop the look: