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Writer's pictureRachael Clifton

Keeping Busy at Home

A bit of a weird/ scary/ uncertain time for everyone all over the world right now and with most being told to stay home and self-isolate, I thought I'd share how I plan on keeping myself busy over the next few weeks, months, however long it takes I guess. I know that from the outset I have the luxury of mostly being able to work from home anyway, but all of my events and meetings have been cancelled for the foreseeable and some of my paid work too, which is very worrying, however probably similar for a lot of self-employed people right now. I am also high risk being type 1 diabetic so I will be spending most of my time at home in my flat. Trying to stay as positive as possible though and keep myself busy planning various things I'd love to share with you all. My brain has actually been spinning with ideas so that's a great sign!

I will be carrying on with business as usual in a lot of ways and still creating content for my blog and instagram as well as working on other commitments, but since I will have more time not attending events and meetings there are a fair few things I'd love to get ticked off my everlasting to do list. I guess that will be a big part of the next few weeks/ months - getting round to doing all of those jobs I've 'been meaning to do' for so long and tackling my big old list! I want to get ahead on my expenses and tax return since the tax year ends soon and now is a great time to do that with no distractions! I also want to cook and read more - two things I always tell myself I'm too busy for (terrible excuses I know) - so it will be great to have more time to enjoy both of those. I want to create all of the content for you guys that I have jotted down on my to-do list over the last few months but not gotten round to actually doing! I would also love to finally get finished with our flat. We moved in around 5 months ago now and never really got fully finished with everything, so I'm going to be getting artwork framed and up on the walls, ordering a few more things that we need and generally finishing off making everything look lovely!

I would also love to get back into drawing and painting (I did Art at A-level and love it) so having more time will hopefully enable that, and it would be great to do some yoga whilst I have more time at home so I will definitely be pushing myself and following some online classes so do let me know if you have any recices! Basically, I'm trying to spin this as having more time to do all of the things I feel I never have enough time to do and hopefully over the next few weeks and months I won't be moaning that there aren't enough hours in the day!

These outfit shots were taken last week however I will still be popping out to get groceries as and when, and also going for walks locally so I will still be able to share outfit posts when my self-isolating pal (my bf) comes with - even though I won't be going very far in said outfits! I will be of course following guidelines throughout and listening to what we are being told to do in this uncertain time, however will also be laughing at memes and trying to keep things light hearted because you can care about the world and like a lol at the same time.

Hope you're all keeping safe and well :)



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