First of all happy new year and the biggest thank you to every single one of you for always supporting me, following along and reading my posts - I couldn’t do this without you and it really means the world!
So I know I’m a little late with this since it’s now 6th January, however as I’ve been away in NYC I’m only just back into work mode today and really wanted to give myself a bit of time off over the festive period. I mean, I say that, but there’s been no stopping with the posting on Instagram and I’ve been in overdrive in New York, and vlogging too! But I’ve definitely given the blog a little break and now I’m excited to be back at it.
Last year feels like the quickest year I’ve ever had (definitely getting old aren’t I) and also one of the very best. 2018 was a real bittersweet year for me so to say 2019 was one of the best of my life it just goes to show how much can change in so little time. This post is not a trip down memory lane or an achievement round up however, but a bid to looking ahead and encouraging myself and hopefully you all too, to go easy on yourselves and not get too hung up with over the top goal setting and not being exactly where you think you should be right now. Everything in time.
If I’m being completely honest I tend to feel really overwhelmed at the start of a new year (never mind a new decade!) and struggle a bit to throw myself straight into it with resolution making, goal setting and being a better version of myself than ever before. Today, my first day back ‘in the office’ (on my couch with my laptop) I have felt very overwhelmed indeed at my to-do list and I guess at my lack of organisation for the first day back to work of the new year (I mean I did just land back in the UK at 7.30am this morning so can I be excused?). When you’ve been in chocolate for breakfast, wine any hour of the day and 100% holiday mode for the last 2.5 weeks, it’s difficult to remember even how to work (lol) let alone throw yourself solidly in the deep end. I feel being self-employed and trying to motivate yourself as a Lone Ranger even harder and so I've gone easy on myself today and i'm taking everything one step at a time. I’m naturally a very busy person and on the whole I like the rush, but I must say I really enjoyed slowing down a little over the last few weeks and spending lots of time with the people who make me happy. So, heading into the new year I’m going to make sure I take more time for this and I’ll be trying my best to work smarter rather than harder and longer.I’m sure tomorrow the festivities and holidays will all be a distant memory, business as usual will resume and I’ll be back to doing emails at 1am and running around like a crazy person trying to fit 25378 things into one day. New year, same old me.
Hope you have a wonderful week!
*Images taken at the end of last year by the very talented Beatrice Rigby