I always have a million and one half written saved posts in my drafts on here just waiting for me to have the time and brain capacity to actually just focus on one thing for once, but alas they rarely get finished and make it out into the world. This one, had merely a title, but i've been wanting to write a little life update and tell you guys about some exciting plans I have coming up over the next few months for a while. I can't actually believe it's almost the end of Feb already and it scares me that I have all these ideas that I rarely have time to put into fruition. Anyway, I feel like i've been a bit all over the place of late and so trying my best to be more organised and structured with things and with my content. I want to do a few monthly consistent round-up type posts, maybe sharing my fave discoveries monthly, and also (as a creature of habit who loves nothing more than buying 546478 variations of the same thing) sharing my top navy jumpers for example, but every post with a different staple item. I'm hoping to re-do my website a bit this year too, just some little updates here and there and maybe switching up the layout to accommodate some more editorial and less wordy posts too.

In terms of plans for the next few months I have a few exciting trips coming up! In around three weeks i'm heading off to NYC to visit my friend who moved there a few months ago. I'll be there for almost a week and have only been once before when I was younger so very much looking forward to it! Do send all reccies my way! Following that I'm heading to Portugal for a few days to shoot something very exciting that I'll be sharing more detail on very soon so watch this space! Then in May one of my besties is getting married in Spain so I'll be off over there for 4 days of fun and sunshine too. I'm so very excited and can't wait to share it all with you as I go.
Enough rambling from me for now, but I'll be sharing my first round-up of favourites style post at the end of the month so hope you all like it :)
Shop this dreamy jumper here
Have a lush weekend!