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  • Rachael

Another Year On - Reflections on 2018

I sound like my 87 year old Gran but honestly I can hardly believe we are nearing the end of another year! It feels like two minutes since I was writing a 2017 round up, but I guess on the contrary a hell of a lot has changed over the last twelve months. This year, for me, has been a rollercoaster of emotions. I've had some of the highest of highs but also some of the lowest moments too, and I've learnt a hell of a lot along the way. I started the year back in January throwing myself into freelance life and I think i'd go as far as to say career wise this has possibly been the best year of my life, because I'm really happy (well, the majority of the time!) and love my job, which I feel so grateful to be able to say. It definitely hasn't been all smooth sailing and rainbows and flowers though, and has been a lot of hard graft to get to the point where I'm at right now. I have met some amazing people along the way this year though, travelled to some great places and i've worked with some of my most favourite brands that I still have to pinch myself about! Leaving my 9-5 desk job last December was absolutely terrifying, but after a year of being my own boss and many a day working from my office bed, I can safely say that freelance life is for me and I made the right decision. I think at the end of the day, if things don't work out you can always get another job or try something else, so if you're in a similar predicament just give it a go or you'll always be left wondering.

As I said though, I’ve had some pretty low points over the last twelve months too, but it’s also made me really appreciate the highs and the amazing people I always have around me. At the end of the day, who is happy all day every day? It’s so important to remember that and not compare your situation to anyone else’s as obviously we all only share the highlights reel. Going through the lows has also taught me that I’m stronger than I think and that as with every shitty situation - this too shall pass and you will be ok again. And I was. I am. In fact I'm better than ok and ending 2018 feeling really content and greatful. My best friend is getting married tomorrow and I couldn’t be more excited and happy to end the year in the most amazing way with some of my favourite people.

Anyway, enough rambling from me and a massive thank you to every single one of you lovely lot for all of your support, likes, comments, and time over the last year - it really does mean the world to me and there aren’t enough thank yous to express how much it really does mean to me :)

Happy new year and here's to the next 365 days!

Lots of love,




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