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The Little Things

Jumper: Joanie Clothing, Jeans: Vintage Levis, Boots: Amazon Find, Bag: Chanel, Watch: John Paul Gaultier

This week has been an insanely hectic one. I started it off with moving into my new flat on Monday (yayyy!) and feel like that has had a knock on effect on the rest of it. Basically trying to cram in work all day and night around moving your life probably isn't the best idea, but when you're self-employed days off are pretty much non-existent (not complaining, I do love my job). I feel like i've been trying to keep myself so busy over the last month or so to take my mind off everything that i've spread myself so thinly and am probably stressing myself out more, when what I could really do with is some time to just chill the fuck out. Having said that, I feel like i've had some lovely moments recently where i've really appreciated things and felt so grateful for what I do, and the people I have around me, so I thought I'd channel all the 'I feel so mental and am running around like a headless chicken' stress into positivity and appreciate the little things that have been making me happy over the last few tough weeks, because it can be easy to forget the little things when life gets a bit hard.

- I have had my Mam here for just under a week, assisting with the move and generally just being an absolute babe. She's always there for me but she's been an absolute gem this last week and I really couldn't have done it without her, so I feel very lucky to have her indeed.

- I live super close to one of my favourite cafes in London and they make the most incredible banana bread that I am just obsessed with, so hot footing it down there for a coffee and BB time out (or five, lolz) over the last few weeks has been a lovely escape.

- This is gonna sounds weird but I'm not usually a tele watcher at all, however i've been staying with pals for the last two weeks and working from home at their's with a bit of Lorraine and Loose Women on for company has been thoroughly enjoyable.

- Eating Ferrero Rocher's in bed. I love bed, I love Ferrero Rocher's. An excellent combo.

- Today marks five days in my new flat and one of the first things I did was organise my beauty bits into my bathroom cabinet and it was SO SATISFYING! I have become quite the beauty buff over the last year or so and love trying new prods out.

- Elton John and Fleetwood Mac on repeat. No elaboration required.

- Catching up with pals, both ones I see on a daily basis and ones further afield, they always make me feel better and I'm so lucky I'm surrounded by such a great bunch.

- Clothes I really love. Working in a job that basically revolves around clothes, it's no secret that they make me very happy indeed, and I feel like recently i've fallen in love with clothes all over again and have found some pieces that give me that 'so excited I literally can't wait to wear' feeling that I love. Sure, they don't cuddle you at night, but they do make you feel bloody great at times.

Hope you have all had a lovely week.



Photos by Bekky Lonsdale


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