Firstly, huge apologies this is so late as I know I promised last month that my May diary on 35mm would be on time! I have had a bit of a rough couple of weeks but slowly getting back on track. As i'm sure most of you are aware, my flat sadly got broken into last week and they took my laptop amongst other things, so work has been a bit sporadic. Anyway, I don't really want to dwell on it too much and technically that was June, so let's get cracking with what i got up to in May.

A lovely sunny (and blurry) day at Columbia Road Flower Market.

I know I always say this, but it flew by. May was a pretty busy month for me filled with exciting meetings, press days, many a bank holiday, hanging out with friends and my Sister getting engaged!! I also had my Mama down for a few sunny days and we had a lovely day wandering round Columbia road flower market (my fave) and having many an Aperol Spritz! My beautiful Mam photographs so well and I love snapping her on film. We also have matching Aquarius necklaces by Chupi as she's wearing below...

A couple of babes at the J. Crew summer party.
I also spent a lovely day/ night hanging out and catching up with my lovely friend Fi - we went for pizza, drank pints of Aperol spritz on a rooftop and chatted the night away. Here she is being a babe...

Weather-wise we have had some absolutely lush days in London and i've spent a fair few of them laying in the park catching some rays. I also spent a sunny day in Brighton with some of my bezzies, having drinks and just being daft - it was SO beaut and I managed to get some lovely snaps too!

I think i'm going to start trying out different kinds of film in June and maybe also invest in another (lighter) film camera as, as much as I love my Yashica, it's pretty heavy for everyday and I just want to play around with different options and maybe one with a flash too.
What I've been loving in May:
What I've been reading and listening to:
The Fringe of It podcast (always) - it's like having a (one sided) natter with your pals and I love listening to these two on a weekly basis whilst cracking on with some work.
How to Dress by Alexandra Fullerton - the lovely Alex has written a book, encompassing all of her styling know-how and well, she knows her stuff!
Lizzy's post about shooting on film - as I am pretty much just starting out using film, I loved reading Lizzy's post on which cameras and film she uses as i absolutely adore her film snaps, definitely worth checking this out if you're just starting out shooting on film too!
I've also been listening to a lot of Elton John through may and am very hard pushed to pick a fave tbh - although Rocket man is definitely up there, and Jazz piano as played by my amazingly talented boyf!
Hope you all had a great month and have enjoyed my rambling!